Will there be side effects when using a 前列腺按摩器


前列腺按摩器 is a sex toy mainly used to treat the prostate. You can also call it a prostate stimulator. When using a 前列腺按摩器, you must pay attention to its usage to prevent possible harm. Then, the author will introduce to you how to use the prostate massage stick. Will there be side effects?

The 前列腺按摩器 is divided into three parts. First, before using the 前列腺按摩器, wash the anus with warm soapy water, and make sure to clean the anus and use the appropriate lubricant. Then lie on your side, keeping your calves straight, and your thighs as close to the stomach as possible. Slowly insert the prostate 1-2 inches into the anus, and then insert the prostate into the rectum to accurately stimulate the prostate. After insertion into the prostate, the prostate feels normal to urinate. When the prostate shaft is inserted into the anus, there will be a foreign body sensation. To ensure the best feeling, please rest for 10-20 minutes at this time. At this time, it is recommended to do some inhalation exercises. Inhale slowly for 4-8 seconds, hold for a few seconds, and then exhale slowly for 4-8 seconds. Relax and pay attention to the irritated area. The foreign body sensation will gradually subside. After that, inhale slowly, start to slowly contract the sphincter, inhale, release the sphincter.

If used improperly, the 前列腺按摩器 may have side effects. If in the process of self-massage, you find that the prostate is tender and the bladder feels stronger, you should promptly specialize in the clinic to avoid the situation that the prostate is still massaged during the acute attack of chronic prostatitis. According to the way prostate massage works, self-massage therapy is recommended.

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